St. Paul’s Convent
Custy Construction Ltd acted as Main Contractor & PSCS for the refurbishment and upgrade of the existing St. Paul’s Convent located in Kilfinane, Co. Limerick. This project is expected to be complete in November 2024.
The works comprise of change of use, extension, refurbishment and alterations to an existing convent building and school, within part a Protected Structure. The development will deliver 9 no. self-contained residential apartments within the existing fabric. Works will include demolition of two ancillary buildings, internal alterations, layout changes to provide 8 no. 1-bed units and 1 no. 2-bed unit, construction of an extension for a new access lift and lobby along with all associated site works including provision of 9 no. car parking spaces at St. Paul’s Convent Castle Lane, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick.
- Client: Sophia Housing Association
- Architect: OBFA Architects
- Structural Engineer: McKenna Engineers
- Services Engineer: Healy Consulting Engineers
- Quantity Surveyor: Carraig Consultancy